COMMENCEMENT OF 2024 LVCP (3rd Semester ) RE-RUN



21ST AUGUST, 2024


To: All Staff and Students

Subject:- Commrncement of 2024 LVCP (3rd Semester ) RE-RUN

Sequel to Academic Board meeting held on Tuesday 20th August 2024, I am therefore directed to inform all Staff and Students that 2024 LVCP registration has commenced as follows:

A. Registration/Lectures:- 19th August -6th September , 2024 (3weeks)

B. Examination:- 10th - 27th September,2024 (3weeks)

C. Collection of Registration form: All interested students are to obtain the form at the Academic Affairs Unit of Registry Department upon payment of N250:00 to the College Bursary Department.

D. Registration fees:

All “spill-over “students within the range of the below Matric number are to pay full school fees


i. 2019/001-2019/670


ii.2020/001- 2020/408

E. All graduating students (2023/2024) and current student are to pay N5,000 for the first course other subsequent course(s) will attract N1,000 each. This applied to the following categories

Year Matric No.

2021/2022 (graduating students)

i.2021/001 -2021/595

2022/2023 (NCE 2)

ii.2022/001- 2022/553

2023/2024 (NCE 1)


F. Number of credit load(s):

All graduating and current students are not allowed to register more than 24 credit units while spill-over students are allowed to register all their failed course(s)

G.Course(s)Registration/Payment is via the College website:

Please note, where there are issues emanating from the course of registration, all affected students should contact the College Directorate of ICT for useful guide.

H. Eligibility for Examination:

All registered students are directed to sign their print out course form from their respective HODs, Academic Secretary and finally the Chairman of the Committee (Director of Exams and Records) before being allowed to write exams

I. Lecture Attendance is mandatory

All registered students
are directed to attend lectures promptly as there will not be excused for failure.

In view of the above, all lecturers are directed to attend to lectures while respective HODs are directed to make themselves available for signing of course forms in their offices.



Z.S.Ahmad (Agbarere)
Academic Secretary
For: Chairman LVCP Committee.

CC. Ag. Provost
Other Pos
SUG President
Notice Board


kWACOETLAt Kwara State College of Education (Technical) Lafiagi, we aim to deliver high-quality education and training that responds to the needs of the evolving technology. We are working to deliver courses that are developed in conjunction with our professional lecturers.



Address: P.M.B. 01, Lafiagi, Kwara State.

Phone: 08170203529

Mobile: 08033201688

© 2021 Kwara State College of Education (Technical) Lafiagi. All Rights Reserved.